The boxers are no longer on honeymoon status. The female is not as active and is more affectionate than before the last heat. Suppose to be signs of pregnancy. We'll see. This weekend we switch the male boxers back to their homes, so our guy will be home again soon. We miss him, and will miss my son's dog when he goes. I am surprised at what great pets boxers make.
My Frontier Christian Living blog is coming along. I manage to post at least once a week, usually about the lesson taught on Sunday. The teachings really go to the heart. I just have to let it make changes in me and that is much harder than it sounds.
Saw the wild horses this week. They showed up after a couple week absence. Then they are gone again. With all the green grass coming up, they are not in need of supplemental feed and have not come up near the house for food. I have a couple pics, but the camera is fighting as I try to find a way to get to them. Will update the blog if I can get them out.
The weather is crazy. Warm, but snowy or even hailing. Then sunny again or raining. The usual spring fare. The work done on the road is holding up well to the runoff. Most of it was diverted above us, so little is making its way down, causing minimal erosion.
Frontier Hubby and I moved here with no expectations of making a bunch of friends. We hadn't made many before so why would it change? Well, the sense of community here is strong and we are keeping busy with our friends and church. Lots of fun, and helping each other. Friends helping friends through rough times and good is making us a close-knit second family. No pay back required, just a looking forward to having a chance to help or be helped again. Kind of like the movie "Pay it Forward" which has people doing good for 3 people and asking each of them to help others the same way. Generosity and Gratitude go a long way.
The moon is waxing and we will be having an eclipse soon. It is a full lunar eclipse if you live in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, but in Aeneas Valley and up and down the west coast it will be partial.
Day: Saturday, April 4, 2015 (early morning)
Begins: Sat, Apr 4, 2015 about 2 AM
Maximum: Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 5 AM
Ends: Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 8 AM
Knowing me, I will not be awake at that time. Send me a pic if you get one. :) Guess it should be called a Frontier Lunar Eclipse, in keeping with the theme. Ha ha
Welcome to my world, Frontier Woman @