Thursday, March 5, 2015

Much to Do and Some Wild Animal Visits

Good thing I have keeping-up-my-blogs as a priority item on the to-do list. Writing seems to help settle the craziness in my head. There is a lot going on these last couple of weeks, but I will just go over new stuff.
The other night we saw deer right out the window. I am overcome with wonder when I see wild animals around here. There were only 4 deer, usually we see 5 together lately. Maybe 1 was out of sight. This 1 caught my eye as the sun was setting and lit it up! Frontier Hubby got the camera and took a bunch of pics.
There are some loose long-horn cattle out over the winter. The guy cannot afford to keep them in hay, so they are on the range which is not exactly how it is suppose to be done, but heck, we are all trying to make a life for ourselves. So be it. Two of these were duking it out in the field. They didn't stay to visit and were gone within the hour.

Then the next day the wild horses showed up. The car drove very slowly through the herd and the horses just moved off the road and watched them. Usually, the stallion pushes them much further away. Maybe he is getting used to such things.

Boxer babies? We hope so. Our son's male boxer is here for some R&R with our female boxer. Maybe we'll have little ones bouncing around soon. I hope so. We have been waiting for babies from this pair for years, and finally got them together while she's in heat. They are both such sweet dogs and should have some beautiful pups!

Welcome to my world,  Frontier Woman @

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